Binoculars of any size benefit from stabilisation.
Could the Oberwerk Series 2000 heavy duty Monopod with trigger-grip head be the ultimate in stabilised viewing comfort?
Tune in soon for full details……..
Binoculars of any size benefit from stabilisation.
Could the Oberwerk Series 2000 heavy duty Monopod with trigger-grip head be the ultimate in stabilised viewing comfort?
Tune in soon for full details……..
Hello Neil,
I have had great success with this arrangement and have advanced it a couple of steps- https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/702213-one-monopod-is-good-two-is-better-diy-binocular-stabiliser/ and here- https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/872261-my-binoculars-now-have-push-to/
On another note, as you have had good experiences with both Svbony and porros have you thought about trying their porro SA204? Although a more budget offering it would be interesting to see how good they are.
Thanks for all your reviews they make excellent reading.
Hello Martyn,
Wow! That is one impressive bino mounting set up! You’ve obviously given it a great deal of thought! Alas, I’m WAY behind in that department but I recognise that comfort is king when it comes to studying the night sky using binoculars.
Thanks for your suggestion abut the SA204 binocular; That was was not on my radar but it looks very interesting. I’m going to look into that one. Thanks for the tip off!
Now back to that interesting CN thread you started!
With best woshes,
Hello Neil,
I was wondering if you could give some advice about solutions to using binoculars whilst in a wheelchair.
I’m wanting to get into astronomy, and will be using binoculars. However, I wouldn’t be able to hold them with both hands for long periods and tripods aren’t compatible with the chair. However, I’ve found your helpful site and the monopod with the trigger-grip ball head looks to be a solution…would you agree?
Any advice on this, and best entry-level binoculars to buy would be greatly appreciated.
All the best
Hello Abdul,
Many thanks for your message.
For general stargazing I normally would recommend a 10 x 50 but these can be quite bulky. I would suggest something like the Vortex Diamondback HD 10 x 42 which weighs in at just over 600g – by far the lightest I’ve personally encountered. It has good optics for stargazing and a fairly widefield of view. You can order one from Amazon. I would also recommend the Oberwerk Series 2000 trigger head monopod. It is very sturdy and ought to give you plenty of stabilty. Indeed I will be writing up a full review of the Oberwerk monopod in an up-and-coming review so stay tuned.
With best wishes,