Pause for Thought.

In this blog, I’ll be posting links every day on various topics of interest to those who value truth over lies in this, the most wicked and depraved of human generations since the Days of Noah.


4 thoughts on “Pause for Thought.

  1. Just a heads up Neil.
    I tried to post a link on Birdforum about insect decline.
    The post was rejected because they said it was conspiracy theory.
    It was regarding Geoengineering which as you know has been going on for over 70 years.
    Just a heads up to a fellow Christian who is awake!

    • Thanks Steve.

      Just keeping folk up to date with world events/ trends.

      Blessings in Christ Jesus

  2. Some reviews have disappeared from your site, e.g. GPO ED 8×42, Ultravid pocket and perhaps some others.

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