Take a Closer Look.
If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
John 8:31-32
In this blog, I’ll be exploring subjects of general interest/concern, as our societies become increasingly wicked, depraved and deceived.
The Dark Side of Transgender Medicine
How the Media Manipulates Truth
The Secular Case Against Homosexuality
Cool stuff you never hear in Church
James Clerk Maxwell: a Great Life Lived
Reasonable Faith: An Interview with Professor Alvin Plantinga
The Preciousness of Free Speech
Walking your Way to Good Health
Unholy Alliance: when Dodgy Science Merges with Theology
From Spiritual Shipwreck to Salvation
The Rise in Euthanasia Killings
Coming Soon to a Town Near You: The Rise of Bestiality
The Sixth Mass Extinction Event in Our Midst
‘Depth Charging’ the Values of the Ancient World
The Truth about the Fossil Record
Evolutionary Atheist gets his Facts Wrong…..Again
Distinguished MIT Nuclear Physicist Refutes Scientism
Get thee right up thyself! : The New Transhumanist Religion
The Biblical Origin of Human Rights and why it’s a Problem for Atheists
A Closer Look at the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Winds of Change: Prestigious Science Journal Concedes Design
A Distinguished Chemist Speaks the Truth
An Evil Generation Seeks After a Sign
Decimation of Global Insect Populations
The Spiritual Suicide of a Once Christian Nation
UN Report: World’s Food Supply under ‘Severe Threat’ from Loss of Biodiversity
From Abortion to Infanticide in the “Land of the Free”
Sports Personalities Speak Out Over Transgender Athletes
Human “Out of Africa” Theory Debunked
Vintage James Tour: How to Cook Up a Proto-Turkey
Follow the Evidence: The Problem of Orphan Genes
Follow the Evidence: The Genius of Birds
Darwinian Evolution On Trial Among Biologists
New Fossil Finds Thwart Human Evolutionary Predictions
Global Persecution of Christians
Tall Tales From Yale: Giving up Darwin.
More on the Proto-Turkey: Dr. Tour Responds to Cheap Shots from the Pond Scum Merchants
Good Riddance: Despicable British TV Show Axed after Death of Participant
The Fastest Growing Insanity the World has Ever Seen
Darwinism & Racism: Natural Bed Fellows
The Modern Root of Anti-Semitism
A Victory for Common Sense: Transgender Weightlifter Stripped of his Medals
The US Equality Act: A Plea for Caution
Reunited: Music & the Human Spirit
1st Century Christian Insight: The Didache
Why Some Books were Left Out of the Bible
Why the Human Mind is not Material
What God Thinks of Scientific Atheism
An Essential Component of a Modern Education
Earth: “Presidential Suite” of the Universe
How to Really Stand Out in a Crowd
Straight from a NASA Scientist: Jewel Planet
No Life Without Super Intelligence
Body Plan Development Raises New Headaches for Evolutionists
Membrane Biochemistry Stymies Evolutionary Origin of Complex Cells
Science Speaks: Common Abortafacients Harmful to Both Mother & Child
Biblical Ignoramus Twists the Words of Christ
Attention Parents: American Psycho Association Promoting Polyamory to Pre-Teens as ‘Ethical.’
The Only Rainbow God Recognises
Calling Time Out on Evolutionists’ Failure to Explain The Cambrian Explosion
7 Reasons to Reject Replacement Theology
Psychiatric Diagnoses are ‘Scientifically Meaningless’ Study Shows
Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son’s Journey to God
The Prosperity Gospel Debunked
New Science Reveals First Cellular Life to be “Amazingly Complex”
New Law Firms Being Established to Counter the Rise in Christian Persecution
Playing the Numbers 32:23 Game
Multiple Lines of Scientific Evidence Converge on 3rd Century BC Age of the Famous Isaiah 53 Scroll.
Exposed: Theologians Deceived by Darwinian Ideology
New Insights into the Shroud of Turin
What we Know and Do Not Know About the Human Genome
Sorry: No Such Thing as “Gay” Penguins
A Biblical Perspective on Diet
Revelation: Number of Transgender People Seeking Sex Reversals Skyrockets
Psychologist Debunks Pseudoscientific Explanations for Human Love & Compassion
The Dismantling of the Feminine
Disturbing Trends in the Roman Catholic Church
A Christian Response to Halloween
The Darwinian Response to Human Life: Let the Baby Die!
The Best Explanation for Beauty
Antiobiotic Resistance in a Post-Darwinian World
Michael Behe Says No to Theistic Evolution
“Progressive” Christianity as a Political Cult.
A Rational, Christian Response to Humanism
More Depravity: the Sexualisation of Children
Shameful Humanity: Murder of the Unborn Now the Biggest Worldwide Killer.
Sorry Sam Smith, You’re Still a ‘He.’
Nature Genetics: How ‘Evolutionary Thinking’ led Biologists Astray about Pseudogenes.
A Kingdom Divided Against Itself: Why Evolutionary Psychology is Bunk
Of Melting Glaciers and Darwinism
First US President Addresses 47th March For Life, as theSecular Media Duck for Cover
The New Science of Separate, Distinct Creations
More Tales of Darwinian Thuggery
Keeping your Children Strong in the Faith
Former Editor of Nature Waves Bye Bye to the RNA World
At Scientific American: Physicist Pours Cold Water on Scientism
A Biblical Perspective on Alcohol Consumption
High Priest of a Pseudoscience Rears His Ugly Head Again
Another Step into the Human Immorality Sewer: Normalizing Throuples & Sologamy
Symptom of a Depraved Society: Scientists Now Fighting to Affirm a Basic Fact of Life: Sex is Binary
Speaking the Truth in Love: Where the LGBTQ Community is Ultimately Headed
The Power of Biblical Prophecy: The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
Origin of Life Debate: James Tour versus Lee Cronin.
7 Rock Solid Scientific Arguments for the God of the Bible
An Existential Crisis in Neuroscience
AI Hype and the End of Moore’s Law
Discerning Fact from Spin/Fiction in Cosmos 3.0
Why All the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men Cannot Put Humpty Together.
The James 5:16 Phenomenon; the Healing Power of Prayer
Heart of Darkness: Organ Harvesting of Chinese Prisoners
Confessions of a (yet another) Darwinian Sceptic
Darwinism as a Mentally Retarding Virus
Legendary Biologist Claims Atheism has Nothing to do with Science
Why Nature Should Never be Worshipped
What ‘Evolutionary Theory’ is Really Good at Explaining: Cancer.
Avoiding the Most Deadly Virus of All
The Prince of Peace Versus the Prophet of Islam
Coronavirus Outbreak Spurs Record Bible Sales
More Tales of Woe for Darwinian Junk Science: No Such Thing as Pseudogenes
Earth Fine-Tuned for Space Exploration
New UN Report: COVID-19 will Produce Famines of ‘Biblical Proportions’
An Interview with Dr. Frank Turek
Neanderthal DNA & the Leviticus 18:23 Question
Debunking Scientific Materialism through Mathematics
Incompetent Experts & Bad Government
Intelligent Design Now Thriving in Europe
Cosmic Fine-Tuning: an Interview with Christian Cosmologist, Dr. Luke Barnes.
Ivy League Philosopher Dismisses Evolutionary Psychology as Pseudoscience
Ten Things you Need to Know about Scientism
Freeman Dyson: God is a Mathematician
J.K. Rowling Takes a Stand Against Militant LGBT Activists
Lest We Forget: William Wilberforce
Update on the Long Term Evolution Experiment(LTEE): Sickening News for Evolutionists
An Interview with Mathematician William Dembski
A Technical Look at Fine-Tuning in Biological Systems
David Pawson(1930-2020) Remembered
Punctuated Equilibrium Debunked by Researchers
For the Attention of Greta Thunberg
What Everyone Should Know About the BLM Movement
The Principles that Made America Great:
The Artifact Hypothesis Debunked
Why Christians Should Support Israel’s Claim to the West Bank
Earth’s Deep Water Cycle Fine-Tuned for Life
When Darwinism is Applied to Politics
COVID-19: The Economic Fallout
Whale Evolution Further Debunked Part 1
New ENCODE Results Unveil Still MORE FUNCTIONS in So-Called Junk DNA.
The Politicisation of Hydroxy Chloroquine
The Wonders of the Human Mind Part 1
Trapped by Language: Why Biologists Can’t Avoid Teleological Verbiage
A Little Lower than the Angels
Heretic Pope Affirms Transgender Depravity
Latest on Orphan Genes Affirms Creationism
For Math Challenged Woketards: Two Plus Two Really Equals Four
A Critical Review of Josh Swamidass’ Book, The Genealogical Adam and Eve
Worrying Developments in the American Workplace
The Decadence of Gender Ideology
Strictly Come Dancing Turns Gaypo
Graceland Vandalised by BLM Thugs
Update on Recent Desperate Attempts to Find a Naturalistic Origin of Life
More Bad News for Pond Scum Merchants: No Sign of ETI in New Mega-Survey
World Class Palaeontologist Debunks Ancestors to Cambrian Animals
How Christians Should Respond to Environmental Issues
Breakthrough: Intelligent Design Theory Now Being Published in Mainstream Science Journals
The Great Barrington Declaration
Facebook Removes Ex-Gay Testimonies
Responding to Richard Dawkins & The Old Testament
The Perils of Favouritism & the New “Woke” Gospel
British NHS Defends Giving Sex Change Hormones to 10 Year-Olds
American Pastors Organising to Fight Back Against “Tyrannical” Democrat Shutdowns
The Left’s Communist Manifesto for America
The Origin of the Lockdown Mentality
The Developing Beast System : Apostate Pope Attends One World Religion Event
Victory for Common Sense: UK Equalities Minister Blasts BLM & Critical Race Theory
No Phosphine Found In the Venus’ Atmosphere Follow-Up Study Shows
A New Call for the Retraction of the Original Paper After Another Analysis of the Data
First Eukaryotic Cells were Already Complex
When Scientists Make Truth Claims Outside Science
Warning to Masktards: A Distinguished Neurologist Speaks
Did China Fund The Phony Joe Biden Campaign?
Democrat-Run Oregon Decriminalises Crystal Meth, Heroin and Cocaine Use, as its Cities Burn.
Why Origin of Life Researchers Must Embrace Intelligent Design
Should Christians Ever Employ Civil Disobedience?
Catholics Discuss their Apostate Pope
Marxism Appropriated to the 2020 US Election
Trump Administration’s Operation Warp Speed Develops Moderna Vaccine with 95% Efficacy
Veteran Military Chaplin Fired from US Air Force for Holding Biblical Views on Sexual Morality
Schooling Masktards: Multiple Studies Show Masks are Ineffective and Possibly Harmful
An Amusing Take on the Utah “Monolith”
From the USA: A Major Victory Over LGBTQ Tyranny
Galapagos Finch “Evolution” Debunked
After Weighing the Evidence, Medic Ditches Theistic Evolution for Intelligence
Some Effects of Transgenderism
Leaked: Biden Administration Urged to Persecute American Conservative Christians
Raven Intelligence Raises More Problems for Evolutionists
I’ll Own What I Choose to Own and my Happiness is none of your Damn Business……Comrade!
Another Defeat for Darwinian Junk Science: the Thymus is Not a Vestigial Organ
Argentinian Socialist Government Legalises Abortion
Requiem for the American Republic
A Catholic Priest Comments on the Consequences of the 2020 US Election
Darwinian Time Trees Don’t Work, New Analysis Suggests
Battle for the Soul: Surviving a Chinese Communist Re-Education Camp
The New American State Religion- Wokeness
Conservatives: You Gotta Get Your Kids out of Illinois Public Schools
New Geochemical Research Findings Affirm the Genesis Creation Account
An Interview with Dr. John Sanford
Did the American People Really Vote this Guy in?
The Curious Case of Ivermectin
New Zealand: where Capitalism Triumphed over Socialism
Hitting Woke Big Tech & the Fake News Media where it Hurts
More Bull from the Masktard King
Yet Another Putative Human Evolutionary Ancestor Debunked
Marxist Pope Francis Pushes Great Reset
Revisionist View of Homosexuality Debunked
Poisoning of the Youth: A look at Amerika’s New, Ultra-Woke School Curriculum
From Newsweek: Transgender Man Warns Others About the Dire Health Consequences of Her Actions
It Happened on Your Watch: How the Rise of Evil is Destroying American Cities
Great Reset Creep’s Plan to Destroy the American Agricultural Industry
Lessons for the USA: Venezuela’s Experiment with Socialism Falters as it Embraces Privatisation
New Insights into ‘Super’ Earths Suggest they’re Uninhabitable
Insane Biden Administration Destroying Girl’s Sports
Amazon Quietly Removes Book Criticizing Transgender Ideology
Dozens of House Democrats Requesting Biden to Relinquish Sole Authority to Launch Nuclear Weapons
What the Equality Act Means for Ordinary US Citizens
Great Reset Creeps Suffer a Propaganda Crash
Why Darwinian Junk Science Remains Popular with the Pagan Masses
Another Evolutionary Icon Bites the Dust: Beta Globin Pseudogene Shows Functionality
Are Electric Vehicles Really the Future?
Prehistoric Cave Art & The Imago Dei
Vatican Clarifies its Position on Same Sex Relationships – Declares them “Sinful”
Where Cancel Culture Naturally Leads
New York Columbia University’s Woke Graduation
Long-term Study from 10,000 Generations of Yeast Cells Reveals Devolution not Evolution
What the Green New Deal is Really All About
Avi Loeb’s Oumuamua Alien Hypothesis Debunked
What Everyone Needs to Know About the Proposed Vaccine Passports
Mars & Nestle Join the Woke Brigade
Attention Parents: What the Sexually Depraved are Now Teaching Your Children
Ten Reasons why Birds are Not Living Dinosaurs
Debunking More Pseudoscience: New MIT Study Shows Social Distancing Rules Are Completely Pointless
From a Leading UK Journalist: Biden is Smashing America’s Moral Compass
You What? Even the Spineless CNN Calls out Biden as a Masktard
Obama Administration Scientist Admits “Climate Emergency” is Bunk
Richard Dawkins’ Desperate Claims about the Origin of the Bacterial Flagellum Now Disproven
Fighting the Marxists: US States Begin to Ban the Teaching of Critical Race Theory in Schools
Sickos: Have a Very Happy Woke Birthing Person Day!
Woke British Universities Could Face Fines for Suppressing Free Speech/De-platforming Guest Speakers
Marxist Ideologies Infiltrating the US Military
Darwin’s Tree of Life Finally Gets the Chop
Evidence for the Biblical Exodus
Gaps Everywhere in the History of Life!
From Prager: How to Re-Take A Nation from the Marxist ‘Democrats’
The Transgender Contagion Corrupting the Youth of the World
Nickelodeon Ratings Crash Amid LGBTQ Push
News from Canada: Campaign for Sexual Immorality Extended From a Month to a Season
Who did Allah Love in Eternity?
Critical Race Theory: A Crash Course
Long Awaited Pentagon UFO Report: A Big Fat Nothing Burger
Culture Wars: France Tells US ” Keep your Wicked Wokeism to Yourself!”
O’ Biden Regime Spying on Prominent Conservative TV Personality
Welcome to the New Cult of ‘Safetyism’
Allan Sandage: An Astronomer’s Journey to Faith
Climate Models: Worse than Nothing?
Trump Goes After the Big Tech Bottom Feeders
While America Leans Ever Closer to Communism, Cuban People Take to the Streets to Condemn it
What the Darwinist and Transgender Lobby Share in Common
Sex Mania-Induced Societal Psychosis
Trump Discusses Arizona Audit Findings and the Biden Regime’s Disastrous Record in Government
The Covid-19 Files: The Curious Case of Sweden
An ID Prediction Concerning CRISPR Gene Editing
7 Lies your Kids Pick Up in the Secular World and How to Correct Them
The Link Between the Political Left and Paedophilia
COVID-19 Survivors Display Stronger, Better Immunity to the Virus than Vaccinated Individuals
Massive Increases in Home-Schooling Across USA
British Bull Corporation(BBC) Goes Woke
Mark Zuckerberg Launches Church of Beelzebub
Why Biblical Justice Trumps Social Justice
The Wonderful World of Diatoms
Distinguished Scientist Breaks Down the Climate Change Hoax
The Ministry of Truth Comes to Life
Antipodean Darkness: Australia Bans Peaceful Protests Against Abortion
What to Make of the 6th IPCC Report
Hungary: a Beacon of Christian Freedom
The Taliban and their Worldview
New Peer Reviewed Study Suggests the Sun and not Human-Derived Carbon Dioxide is Driving Climate Change
The Masktards Who Live by Lies
Why Atheists Can’t Think Straight
Normalising Sexual Deviancy in Scottish Schools
Peppered Moth Evolution Debunked
Deflating the Multiverse & the New Atheists
The Mystery of Life Lies Beyond Science
From The Times of London: US 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged
Why Pronouns Matter……but not in a Woke Way
UK Athletic Equality Group Deems Trans Sports Unsafe And Unfair
Francis Collins & His Moral Failings
How the Maggots at Facebook Helped The O’ Biden Marxist Regime Over the Line
Leading Mainstream Science Journal Now Waving Bye Bye to Junk DNA
Wikipedia Slides Down the Leftist Sewer
More Facts for the Brainwashed Masktardii
Did Humans Evolve from Ape-like Ancestors? The Evidence is Surprisingly Weak!
Marxist Kalifornia’s Attack on Smart Kids
A Critical Review of Yuval Harari’s Sapiens
Why We Should All be Sceptical of Human Evolution
It’s Official: Roads are Racist!
The Fables Told by Evolutionary Psychologists
From Norway: Santa Turns Gaypo
Tales from an Ozzy Covid Quarantine Camp
The Benefits of Traditional Marriage
Ethnos Against Ethnos at a Denver Elementary School
Reflections on the Launch of the James Webb Space Telescope
Deception: NASA Hires ‘Theologians’ to Study Humanity’s Reaction to ET
More Tales of Woe for Brainwashed Darwinistas: The Bacterial Flagellum Could Not Have Evolved
When Wokeness Comes Back to Bite the Hand that Feeds
Why Evolutionary Explanations of Adam & Eve Fail
Why Climate Change Alarmists Embrace Authoritarianism
Cambrian Explosion Occurred in Just 410,000 Years New Study Reveals
Jordan Peterson Resigns His Chair in Protest of the Wicked & Woke University of Toronto.
Wicked Scottish Government Pushing to Criminalise Biblical Views on Marriage and Sexuality
More Education for the Masktardii
Told You So: Lockdowns Accomplished Nothing
Biology of Second Reich Censored by the Evolutardii
Collapse of the Communist News Network(CNN)
What You Need to Know About January 6
The Wicked US Democratic Party’s Attack on Christians
The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine
Christian Transhumanism Debunked
Schooling Darwinistas: Species Pairs & The Waiting Time Problem
The O’ Biden Regime’s Ministry of Truth
US Public & Private School Pushing Sexual Perversion
2000 Mules: How the US 2020 Presidential Election was Stolen
Church of Scotland Now the Church of Sodom
Top Ten Dystopian Ideas Discussed by the Invertebrates at the WEF
Perilous Times Ahead for Australian Christians & Conservatives
What the Early Church Taught about Abortion
New York Slimes Embraces Inflation as a Marxist Virtue
The Long Road To ‘Positive’ Paedophilia Part 1
Woke Ozzie Politician Loses the Plot
Keeping Up with the Paedophile Agenda
Debunking the Green Credentials of EVs
Legalising Psychedelic Drugs in Kalifornia
Transgender Teen Speaks Out About How She Destroyed Her Body
Achtung: How the Left Plan to Seize Control of US Local Election Offices
Crisis in the US Military-The Root Causes
The Dangers of Universal Basic Income
The Desperation of Panspermia Adherents
Mainstream Newspaper Highlights the Many Problems of Darwinian Junk Science
Mammoth Support for Devolution
The Federal Bureau of Intimidation(FBI)
Shameful CDC Finally Come Clean on Natural Immunity
Chicago Public Schools Promoting Looting & Burning as a Means of Achieving ‘Equity’
The Cult of Greta Thunberg Falls Apart
What the Great Reset Really Entails
Nobel Prize Winning Developmental Biologist calls Transgenderism “Nonsense”
JWST Affirms a Cosmic Beginning
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Update on Jabtards & Masktards
What a Top Chemist and Mathematician Think About Darwinian Junk Science
Comparing the US Democrat Party to the CCP
Counting the Cost of the Lockdowns on our Young People
UK Universities Urged to Go Woke on Mathematics Teaching
Human Male Fertility Showing Rapid Decline Globally
Why the Notion of “Abrahamic Religions” is an Ecumenical Farce
Another Amusing Takedown of “Professor Dave”
9 Exciting Careers for Gender Studies Graduates
New Climate Change Cult Issue their ’10 Commandments’
War Against Humanity: Evil Dutch Government Shuts Down 3,000 Farms
From the Masktard Files : How Ruling Elites Lied about Masks and Mask Mandates
Thank you for sharing.
You’re welcome Les.
Best wishes,
Glad to see a fellow believer observing and sharing. We do the same in several places as well as teach biblical creation. Keep up the good work.
Dear Roland,
Many thanks for your encouraging message and for flagging up your excellent website:
It’s been a very tough year for many of us but I continue to remain optimistic.
Blessings in Christ,
Some very interesting links here.
I’m very unhappy with a lot of what is taught in church, I’m Roman Catholic so we don’t have quite the depth of the clown show that is CoE { yet! } I never ever hear anything about sin being preached.
I have heard about climate change & black lives matter though!
Have you seen the { brilliant } documentary The Dimming?
You can watch it here
Just scroll down an inch or too.
It’s a stunning presentation!
Peace in the name of Jesus Christ to you.
Hi Steve.
I’ve not updated that blog for quite some time.
Most of the main stream denominations have gone woke, too busy affirming sexual deviancy, the climate change hoax and cultural Marxism.
I left the Catholic Church some time ago after the current Pope became apostate.
I am now an evangelical Christian and we meet in houses and not churches, just as it was in the days of persecution under the early Roman emperors. I believe we are now encountering the great falling away as described by Paul. I believe we’re close to the time of the end.
I’m sure it won’t be too long before lots of Catholics head away from what’s coming, which seems like a one world church, or as Terry Pratchett would say “One size fits nobody”.
I won’t be there to see women with purple hair giving a homily.
Despite being Catholic I too am an evangelist, I use the NIV gospels { 50p } and drop them off here, there and everywhere.
It’s something I love doing.
Funny enough, waterstones bookshop { a real agenda pusher } order them for me.
God bless you.
Dear Steve,
Good on for being salt and light in these wicked times!
In the end God wins and we shall be victorious with him.
Blessings in Christ Jesus